Kids for the
Boundary Waters
Kids for the Boundary Waters
Make a difference

Join a powerful group of young people working tirelessly to protect the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness.
“Some of the most impactful lobbying I’ve been subject to is from young people, from kids. In fact, even a very Minnesota-centric Save the Boundary Waters crew. When young people come to Washington...it’s extraordinarily impactful to us because [we] recognize our service to the public… Real leadership means we’re making decisions to preserve, protect, and enhance the futures of kids and grandkids. That’s something to keep in mind, that your voices do matter.”
Representative Dean Phillips in 2022

Here’s what Kids for the Boundary Waters has already done:


Kids for the Boundary Waters FAQ
Ely Outfitting Company's Teen Essay Contest to win a Boundary Waters trip FIND ESSAY DETAILS HERE
Check out our blog posts about trip planning.
Generally participants are high school through recent college grad, age 15-22, and we've had elementary kids involved with their grown-ups' help.
No! Kids from around the US are very welcome, and we've even had D.C. trip participants from other countries!
We list open positions, internships, board positions, and other opportunities here https://www.savetheboundarywaters.org/current-opportunities
Contact Elsie Falconer, elsie@savetheboundarywaters.org
We will always stand for this land