Kids walking to the DC Capitol

Kids for the 
Boundary Waters

Go to DC! November 17-20, 2024

capitol yoga

Join Kids for the Boundary Waters this November in Washington, D.C. to advocate for the Boundary Waters!

Have you ever wanted to help protect the Boundary Waters while learning more about policy and advocacy? Join Kids for the Boundary Waters and learn how to make an impact with Congress! Youth will learn how to talk about the issue, speak with legislators about the protection of the Boundary Waters, and more! This is a great chance to make a difference (while having fun with your fellow advocates)! More information about the fly-in, as well as the application, can be found below. Get those applications in, and join us!

About the program: 

Since 2018, Kids for the Boundary Waters have been conducting Washington D.C. fly-in trips and have been a vital part of winning protections for the Boundary Waters through their advocacy. We hope you’ll join us this fall!

What will we do in D.C.? You'll receive training and have several days of face-to-face meetings with your representatives and government officials to share the importance of the Boundary Waters and ask them to support protection from copper mining, all while having fun getting to know other kids who care about the Boundary Waters and the planet too. 

I'm not from Minnesota - is this for me? Yes for sure! We need advocates from around the country (we've even had international participants) and members of Congress from all 50 states to hear from their constituents. You're invited no matter where you live, and even if you haven't been to the Boundary Waters yet but have a connection to it.

How old do I have to be? Youth aged 15 to 22 years old are welcome to join us!

What is the schedule? You'll travel to DC on Sunday Nov. 17, or early on Monday Nov. 18, meet the group to do training and preparations, followed by two whirlwind days of meeting with officials on Capitol Hill! We often also do group tours, dinner, and have some evening open time for sight-seeing. Travel home either late on Wednesday Nov. 20 or on Thursday, Nov 21. This will likely mean students/their families need to arrange absence from several days of school that week for this opportunity.

What is the cost of the trip? Families purchase flights/transportation, contribute $200 to Save the Boundary Waters toward shared hotel costs, and make sure the applicant has funds for lunches & dinners in D.C. **Full and partial scholarships and waiver of the $200 are available upon request.

How will we prepare for the trip? Participants will meet several times prior to the trip via Zoom to prepare for the trip and participants will be asked to familiarize themselves with the issue and prepare a personal story for meetings with leaders in D.C. The first day in D.C. we will host an in-depth training before our meetings begin.

Important to note: This is not like a chaperoned school tour of Washington. Applicants must be responsible and trusted to navigate airports and D.C. without immediate adult supervision and engage professionally with others and in meetings with high-level government officials. Adult guidance and mentorship will be provided by Save the Boundary Waters/Northeastern Minnesotans for Wilderness.

How do I apply? Fill out the application below, submit two letters of recommendation from a teacher or non-guardian adult via this form, and have your guardian sign this consent form. Then make sure the forms are emailed to by September 8, 2024.

Letter of Recommendation Form

Application Consent Form

With questions about the fly-in you can contact: Alex Falconer, the Campaign Manager,, Elsie Falconer, President of Kids for the Boundary Waters,, Sam Chadwick, Associate Director

loon in dc
pelosi goldstein
kids in meeting
dean and kids
kids in mccullom office