Boundary Waters for All
Our Commitment
In 2018, Northeastern Minnesotans for Wilderness formed a Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion workgroup of staff and board members to deliberate and act on our own organizational shortcomings as well as those of the outdoor industry and environmental movement as a whole. We recognized that we had much work to do - and indeed we still do.
A Wilderness for All
Wilderness and the pursuit of its protection should be made to be welcoming and accessible to all. Protecting Wilderness relies upon public engagement which cannot be expected when people are disenfranchised, unwelcome, hurt or tokenized due to their sexuality, race, age, ability, size, gender identity, gender expression, culture, religion, political affiliation, or anything else. The pursuit of permanent protection for the Boundary Waters from sulfide-ore copper mining and other threats is no different. Northeastern Minnesotans for Wilderness and the Campaign to Save the Boundary Waters is committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion in all aspects of the organization as it works to protect this special place for everyone and for generations to come.
Each department and staff person has Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Justice plans built into their work, and our board DEIJ Committee and staff DEIJ Workgroup help direct and evaluate our progress around our workplace culture, operations, and organizational processes, recruitment and hiring, whose stories get told/shown, where we hold accessible events, who we partner and do business with, and how we support and collaborate with partner organizations including those that guide a wide diversity of people into the Boundary Waters.
To build an effective, grassroots movement to permanently protect the Boundary Waters, we must challenge ourselves and our community to be actively anti-racist, and help make sure sure that everyone can not only visit the Boundary Waters Wilderness but is part of the movement to protect it.
Wilderness Equity Initiative - Small Trip and Projects Grants
Save the Boundary Waters/Northeastern Minnesotans for Wilderness’ grants program awards small trip or project grants to people or groups that too often get disenfranchised within and excluded from efforts to protect the Boundary Waters. Grant amounts range between $1000-$3000.
2025 Wilderness Equity Initiative Application
See application form linked above. Apply by December 10th, 2024.
Grantees selected will be notified in January 2025. We anticipate accepting another round of applications in April/May.
- Bois Forte Heritage Center
- BIPOC Outdoors Twin Ports
- Cast Outdoors
- The Venture Out Project
- Como Park Senior High School
- Urban Village
- MN Transitions Charter School
- 6th Woodrunners Outdoor Service Guides
- Adaptive Wilderness Within Reach
- St. Croix Chippewa Indians of WI
- MN Transitions Charter School - Winter trip to YMCA Camp Menogyn for 7-12th graders
- YMCA Camp Northern Lights - Winter STEPS Retreat for families
- Twin Ports APIDA Collective - 3-day and 4-day BWCA trips in August
- 6th Woodrunners Outdoor Service Guides - Canoe education program for youth and summer BWCA trip
- BIPOC Outdoors Twin Cities - Winter trip to YMCA Camp Menogyn
- Urban Boatbuilders - End of apprenticeship summer BWCA trip
- YMCA Camp Widjiwagan - BOLD GOLD summer Wilderness Internship program
- Adaptive Wilderness Within Reach - Adaptive kayaking and fishing programming using ADA kayak launch on Birch Lake
- North Hennepin Community College - Student group field trip to YMCA Camp Northern Lights to engage in environmental justice, climate change topics, and issues of equity, access, and inclusion in outdoor spaces. Watch their film!
- Sage Foundation - Intro to Wilderness trip for 12-14 youth/students
- St. Croix Chippewa Indians of WI - BWCA trip in partnership with Wilderness Canoe Base
- Ely Pride Event - June 23rd from 4-7pm at Semer's Park
- Urban Village - BWCA trip for 14 Karen students in partnership with Wilderness Canoe Base
- Renew Earth Running - Native-led nonprofit and running team promoting stewardship of the land. Participating in Ely Marathon.
- The Loppet Foundation - BWCA trip for BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ youth. Read about their trip here!
- YMCA Camp Menogyn - BWCA trip in partnership with Youth and Family Services.
- Wilderness Canoe Base - BWCA trip in partnership with Urban Village.
- Urban Bird Collective - Twin Cities, MN BIPOC-led birding and environmental stewardship group. Fall overnight and day trips to the BWCA.
- Ely Community Resource - Focus on serving LGBTQ+ youth, creating a wilderness experience of positive challenge.
- Bear Witness Media - Cook County Pride Committee, LGBTQ Youth Support Group, and First Congregational Church BWCA day trips, education, and mentoring.
- Urban Boatbuilders - Apprenticeship program for underserved youth facing barriers to employment. BWCA trip for graduates.
- MN Transitions Charter School - Winter Camping experience at YMCA Camp Menogyn, primarily students of color living in Minneapolis. Hear more about their trip here!
- Ely Folk School - 2nd year of Anishinaabe Storytelling series
- Troop 100 - Scout troop for Hmong boys started by Minneapolis Public School educators, BWCA trip for two groups.
- Big City Mountaineers - Tower, MN basecamp and summer Boundary Waters youth trips
- Boyz N The Woods - Winter retreat for Black men, with a focus on mental health and leadership
- Cast Outdoors Adventures - Boundary Waters adventures with kids from adaptive hockey teams across MN
- Wilderness Canoe Base - Boundary Waters trip with St. Croix Chippewa Indians of Wisconsin
- Kokoro Project - Canoe trip by and for people of AAPI identities
- Loppet Foundation - New Boundary Waters Adventures program, first trip with BIPOC youth leaders
- YMCA Camp Northern Lights - S.T.E.P.S. family camp weeks for BIPOC and LGBTQ+ families
- Love is King - Winter Boundary Waters trip and film for Operation ROAM adult BIPOC leaders
- Circle Of Discipline - Boundary Waters camping trip with inner-city youth and young adults
- Ely Folk School - Traditional Anishinaabe storytelling nights series led by a tribal elder from Bois Forte Band of Chippewa (Ojibwe)
- Kyle Rucker/Ruck B Media - Film for elementary students featuring young Black adventurer
- Vermilion Community College - LGBTQ+ student group winter Boundary Waters activities
- Victoria Carpenter - Short film by founder of Flip the Script queer film fest, featuring two-spirit Lakota poet Brave Crow
- Voyageur Outward Bound School - Scholarship for Black leader's dogsledding expedition
- Wilderness Canoe Base - Trip with LGBTQ+ Augsburg College students
- YMCA Camp Menogyn - DEIJ consultant and summer camp evaluation and training
In 2020 we signed the Outdoor CEO Diversity Pledge
Read our annual DEIJ Reports:
Check out the Outdoorist Oath training opportunities
Blog: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Justice Is Central to our Mission
The Boundary Waters is Anishinaabe land

Outside Safe Space Sticker