Sign your name to support the Forest Service’s environmental study

Jun 29, 2022
A picture of two paddlers on a Boundary Waters lake with the words "Support the Study: The Boundary Waters must be protected. Add your name" over

On June 23, 2022, the U.S. Forest Service released a draft of its long-awaited environmental assessment on proposed sulfide-ore copper mining in the Boundary Waters’ watershed, and its findings are what we’ve been waiting for.

The study compiled all the evidence regarding the potential environmental, economic, and public health impacts of sulfide-ore copper mining. Upon reviewing this evidence, the Forest Service made it clear: The Boundary Waters watershed is the wrong place for this kind of mining. 

This unbiased study found that sulfide-ore copper mining risks serious degradation to the watershed. This is huge news for the Boundary Waters’ future, and it doesn’t stop there. The Forest Service is also recommending a ban for up to 20 years — the maximum amount of time allowed through this process — on sulfide-ore copper mining near the Boundary Waters! 

The release of this draft initiates a final, 45-day comment period regarding the Forest Service’s assessment and recommendations. This period began on June 28 and will end the morning of August 13. During previous comment periods, we’ve asked you to share a lot about your connection to the Boundary Waters. This time, the Forest Service just wants to know one thing: Do you support their conclusion that we should protect the Boundary Waters’ watershed from sulfide-ore copper mining?


We’ve written a supportive comment petition urging the Forest Service to maintain its recommendation — and we’re asking you to add your name. By signing it, your support will also make it to the halls of Congress, where we’re leading the fight to help pass Rep. Betty McCollum’s Boundary Waters Protection Bill (HR 2794) to make this ban permanent. 

We’ve worked for nearly a decade to ensure a protected Wilderness for future generations. Now is the time to voice your support for the Boundary Waters by signing this petition.