Mankato Free Press Editorial: New hope to protect BWCA from mining damage

Feb 9, 2021

Today the Mankato Free Press published an editorial endorsing Boundary Waters protection from risky sulfide-ore copper mining. It is the second major news outlet in as many weeks to support protecting America's most visited Wilderness from hardrock mining. The editorial cites the importance of the Wilderness, the poor industry track record, and the highly questionable actions of the Trump administration in calling on the Biden-Harris administration to return to the issue of Wilderness protection.

The editorial reads, part:

Those who embrace environmental protection have been cheered by President Joe Biden’s restoration of practices and reviews that don’t place profits above protection of natural resources...

...In 2016 the Obama administration rejected lease renewals for Twin Metals. The decision triggered an in-depth study on the risks of copper mining next to the BWCA. But the Trump administration stopped the study before it was done and buried the findings. The Trump administration also maneuvered to reinstate Twin Metals leases on national land...

...Nearly five years ago the chief of the U.S. Forest Service issued a decision that copper mining next to the BWCA would pose a high risk of doing irreparable harm to the pristine waters. Indeed, the history of metal mining is that it is highly polluting, despite industry claims it can be done safely.

The Biden administration needs to return to following long established federal laws that protect public lands from being opened to uses with high risks of polluting. The BWCA is a one-of-a-kind gem that is enjoyed by people from around the world. Risking its water by allowing copper mining is unacceptable.

Both public and private polling over the last several years has shown that nearly 70% of Minnesotans support permanent protection for the Boundary Waters, including Democrats, Republicans, and Independents.

You can read the full editorial here.