House Committee on Natural Resources approves Boundary Waters bill!

Jul 13, 2022
Aerial photo of the South Kawishiwi River near the Boundary Waters

A bill that would permanently protect the Boundary Waters from risky sulfide-ore copper mining cleared the last hurdle to eligibility for a full vote in the U.S. House. 

The House Committee on Natural Resources just voted to release Rep. Betty McCollum’s Boundary Waters Protection and Pollution Prevention Act (H.R. 2794)  — this is a critical step in the legislative process to permanently protect the Boundary Waters. A committee vote to release legislation allows the full U.S. House of Representatives to consider the bill.

The Natural Resources Committee approved the bill with a 26 to 14 vote, despite efforts by anti-Boundary Waters lawmakers to block the bill and pander to foreign mining conglomerates. Thank you to all our supporters who contacted their representatives and made clear the widespread public support for a permanently protected Boundary Waters!

We’re thrilled that a Boundary Waters Bill has made it this far, but our work clearly isn’t done. Help us keep up the fight in D.C. by making a financial gift to the Campaign to Save the Boundary Waters.


Now that the full U.S. House of Representatives can consider Rep. McCollum’s bill, we need Senate companion legislation more than ever. This is a necessary step to get a Boundary Waters Bill onto the President’s desk.

Senator Amy Klobuchar or Senator Tina Smith need to introduce a Boundary Waters Bill in the Senate. Tell them to step up for the Boundary Waters and begin the Senate process of permanently protecting America’s most-visited Wilderness.