The countdown for the fate of the Boundary Waters started this week

Nov 17, 2022
Ingrid Lyons
Boundary Waters

This week an amazing group has come together and taken time out of their busy schedules to fly to D.C. - people with families, small businesses, school schedules, and full-time jobs have put their lives on hold to meet with lawmakers in Washington because now, before Congress adjourns for the year, is our last best chance for the Boundary Waters. 

The countdown for the fate of the Boundary Waters started this week as we entered the window of time where the current Senate and the House can act to pass the Boundary Waters Permanent Protection Bill into law before the next Congress is seated in January.
This moment - before January - is a critical moment we can’t waste.


We continue to face ongoing threats from billion-dollar corporations that have no stake in protecting our Wilderness. Boundary Waters opponents are lurking in the highest of places: U.S. Rep. Pete Stauber is stepping up his attack on the Boundary Waters now that he’s tightened his hold on Northeastern Minnesota and Trump’s announcement last night to run for president signals an imminent and disastrous threat for the future of the Boundary Waters.
But we won't lose the Boundary Waters if we stand together, and luckily protecting the Boundary Waters from copper mining is popular - in fact, an exit poll from last week’s election found that 7 in 10 midterm voters in Minnesota want to protect the Wilderness from copper mining. 


Help us keep up the momentum. Donate today for our largest virtual giving holiday, Give to the Max Day, so we can keep up the fight.