Paddle to DC

Champlain, a lake with many moods

Oct 30, 2014
Dave and Amy Freeman

Lake Champlain was mirror smooth when we began loading Sig this morning, but conditions can change quickly on a vast body of water. Within two hours the wind had picked up and the waves were building. A half our later the larger sets were splashing over our spray deck, signaling that it was time for a new plan.

We found a protected beach and surfed into shore on smaller waves, doing out best to protect Sig from the rocky beach. We carried everything up to the country road, and wheeled our way through farm country, up and down a few hills which made for  slow, hard work on the way up and a rapid descent on the other side. It is a challenge keeping Sig under control on the down hills, he really want to fly! After about an hour and a half we reach a more shelter place where we could return to the water and paddle for the rest of the day. It was a pleasure paddling on Lake Champlain today., and even the walking wasn’t bad. We surprised a father and his two-year old daughter who had walked out to their mailbox to get their mail.  We hope that the winds will cooperate as we head South from Burlington. It offered a good chance to tell another person about the Boundary Waters and what a special place it is. We gave him a card before saying goodbye and were please to have an email waiting for us from him at the end of the day, encouraging us on our journey.

We are on the outskirts of Burlington and are looking forward to tomorrow’s events.

Sig has been gathering a lot of signatures, but there is still room for your! We hope you can join us for one of our many events between Burlington and Washington DC.